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Worth the Fight

  • Justin
    Micah has been my world for the last six years. He’s the man I love, the only person I want, and my number one priority. I’ve never been able to tell him no, but when he proposes we bring another man into our marriage, I don’t know what to say. I trust Micah with all things, so when he tells me he thinks Keith would be good for us, I find a way to trust him with that too.

    Even though I’ve left the past behind me, I don’t think I deserve men like Justin and Micah. Between Micah’s kind-hearted acceptance of me and Justin’s stoic composure and guiding hand, the two of them have opened my eyes to a world I didn’t know existed. For a fleeting moment, the future I’ve always wanted is within my grasp.

    Justin is the best man I’ve met and opening things up to include Keith won’t change that. Through the years we’ve been together, I’ve always been able to trust Justin would put me first, so when everything we’ve built is on the line, I have to believe he’ll still be there. Neither of us expected Keith, and neither of us expected the hell that came with him, but I hope, in the end, they’ll both agree our love is worth fighting for.

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